
The development of OpenEyes is a continuous and collaborative process, which pools expertise and innovation from a large number of individuals. Data input and output of clinical data in OpenEyes software is handled using 'elements', which are small units of clinical information. This page allows inspection of elements currently in development to assist in user feedback.

NB: An HTML5 compliant browser (For example Safari, Firefox, Chrome and Internet Explorer 9) is required for most of the elements on this page.


Exophthalmometry Measurements made using an exophthalmometer
Lids surgical Lids for Hirschberg test UPDATED


Cataract operation note Recording of operation note UPDATED


Anterior segment examination Examination of the anterior segment

Medical Retina

Macula Recording of findings of the macula UPDATED


Operation note Strabismus operation note
HVT Concept for recording HVT
Orthoptic Examination Diagrammatic documentation of strabismus
Binocular Single Vision Field of Binocular Single Vision